Saturday, April 9, 2011

Say "Ahhh"

Welcome to Chateau Raleigh

Tonights fine dining menu:

A Sweet Pea Puree

accompanied by Rice Cereal infused with Fresh, Free-Range Milk

So walk me through this, Mom. You have the spoon...and the peas... All I have to do is open and say "ah"?

Seriously, Mom...I can't even take you serious right now. I got this.

See? Aaaah!

I can even do it with my eyes closed... Nice and dainty....

Sort of....

My compliments to the chef!

Ok, Mama... I'm so done with this. For dessert.... I'll have my thumb, please.

**Chef's note: If you're wondering if that's a hand towel clipped around her neck with a refrigerator clip, yes - yes it is. Bibs seem so...unsubstantial?

1 comment:

  1. Dear Ruby Roo,
    You are are a good bouncer, Sweetie. And it is great that you are eating your veggies.

    I will see you in a few weeks and we'll take Diesy for a walk and have a fun time.

